We'd been looking forward to the Clearys visiting since they were first to book their flights, back in March. They finally arrived in July, escaping the cruel Canberra winter for ten days in the sun... or at least in the warm. The odd clouds saved pale Canberra complexions from a scorching. Archie and Angus didn't mind a bit and threw themselves into island life... digging tunnels at Lalomanu Beach...

...hitting the flea markets for turtle paraphernalia...

... climbing the odd coconut tree with Amber

... and of course finding time to laze in the hammock.
Archie learned heaps of new words including Manna and Eia (OK, he already knew Eia but it took on a whole new meaning
And Angus misses Samoa so much that he insisted on dressing in shorts and tshirt on return to the Canberra winter... until he went outside.
Bye guys, was great to see all of you, come again next year!