Return to Samoa
Somehow we made it onto the plane with way too much luggage... we thought we were early because there was no queue but we were the last to check in to a full flight - 74 passengers were on their way to one wedding so the party had already started and the bar ran dry. Zoe took it all in her stride.
Hi there,
Both Mum & I can't see the photos in this posting... maybe check they've been added properly? We're curious about Zoe's new love (and keen to see the photo for an explanation!).
how'd your hair stay so perfect in a swimming pool!?
what a life you lead? and what abeautiful little girl, clever you both. So jealous of your lovely home and warm weather. It is freezing here now and Skippy and Mudlark are wearing their miserable cold wet horse frowns. The cats barely get out of bed for food and then crawl straight back under the blankets. i feel the same but work calls. enjoy!
lots of love
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